
Colored Rock

Buttermilk Falls, Yatesville Creek

Disappointment My visit to Buttermilk Falls and Yatesville Creek was a bit disappointing—the falls were almost completely dry. I’ll need to come back in the spring, possibly just after the snowmelt, and hope for better luck. A Colored Rock While walking along the creek bed, I came across a painted rock. I’m always intrigued by the things people leave behind, wondering whether they were placed intentionally or forgotten by accident. Videos

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Kirk Douglas Waterfall

While driving through Amsterdam, NY, I decided to stop by Kirk Douglas Park to check out the falls. I captured a couple of videos—one from the park itself and another a bit downstream, on the bridge over the stream.

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Morgan at Thatcher Park

Had some time to shoot Morgan at Thatcher Park. This girl is so much fun to shoot and her photos always come out great, I love it.

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Minerva Creek Dam

Dam Memories

Growing up, our trips to Minerva Lake in the Adirondacks became a staple, and one of the landmarks that signaled we were getting close a the dam along the way. As a kid, I’d look forward to seeing the water cascading over it, wondering about its purpose. Last year, during a solo outing back to Minerva Lake with the dogs, I made it a point to revisit that memory, stopping to take in the waterfall I once looked forward to […]

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Minerva Lake, June 2024

I recently revisited my childhood camp with Chloe and Larry, capturing photos of familiar spots and reflecting on how things have evolved over the years.

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Frenchs Hollow Falls

Frenchs Hollow Falls Video

French Hollow Falls was a little bit of a disappointment. Maybe its just because of the time of year, but I couldn’t get closer to the falls or bridge itself with any of my gear. Maybe in the spring this place might get another visit from me.

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Peebles Island Collage

Peebles Island Photos and Videos

Some photos and videos taken during a hike across Peebles Island this past summer.

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Hannacroix Creek Preserve Photos and Videos

Some photos and videos taken from my 2023 summer hike around Hannacroix Creek Preserve.

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Favorite Photos of 2023 Collage

Top Ten Favorite Photos of 2023

2023 was the year of the camera for me. I’ve always loved snapping photos and capturing little memories, but this past year I decided to revive my old hobby and take it to a new level. With some investment in time and equipment, I took photos of everything this year. Well over 2,000 photos in fact – most of them not very good. However I am proud of many of them and of that lot I’ve chosen 10 that are […]

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Judd Falls

Judd Falls Videos

During my outing to Judd Falls I took a few videos to go along with my photos and Photosphere.

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