2023 was the year of the camera for me. I’ve always loved snapping photos and capturing little memories, but this past year I decided to revive my old hobby and take it to a new level. With some investment in time and equipment, I took photos of everything this year. Well over 2,000 photos in fact – most of them not very good. However I am proud of many of them and of that lot I’ve chosen 10 that are […]
Chloe and I didn’t set out to find Judd Falls. We were trying to get to Canajoharie Falls but couldn’t find a trail to the falls that wasn’t on posted private property. I asked Google Assistant to find me a different waterfall and it leads me to Judd Falls. It was pretty secluded and a nice little hike down the cliff to the bottom, but it was very restful there. Also check out some videos and a Photosphere I took.
Some photo snapped during one of my Lake George outings in the Summer of 2023. Lady and I love it up there and it was the first time that we were able to get the dogs into the water. I also grabbed a little video of the Mini HaHa moving across the lake.
Some photos I snapped during my summer 2023 hike to Bash Bish Falls. This was an amazing sight. The cascade is by far the largest I’ve visited, though I did feel it lost something due to the amount of signage around the area. Where as some of my other excursions have taken me to places that felt unique and off the beaten path, this place almost felt touristy. None-the-less, the falls are gorgeous and Chloe had a great time in […]
Some photos from my Summer 2023 hike around Burden Falls in Troy, NY.