
The Good Neighbor

The Good Neighbor

My Notes From: The Good Neighbor: The Life and Work of Fred Rogers by Maxwell King Quotes Taken From The Book: Referenced from the Book: Fred Rogers made reference to “The Adoration of the Magi”, by Leonardo Da Vinci, as his favorite painting. Mr. Rogers, during his Emmy acceptance speech also ask everyone who would listen to take 10 seconds and think of the people responsible for helping us get where we are.

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Schenectady Art Night

Schenectady’s Art Night

Last Friday, November 15th, my lady and I spent the evening exploring downtown Schenectady for their Art event. The city held festive charm, the streets lit by recently placed Christmas lights that perfectly complemented the creativity on display. From galleries showcasing local talent to vibrant murals tucked away on quiet streets, the event was a celebration of art and coffee. I brought my camera along to capture some of the magic, and these photos are a glimpse into what we […]

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Harley Quinn Nightmare Before Christmas Styled

Nightmare Before Christmas inspired

Harley Quinn and Joker drawn in the style of Tim Burton’s “Nightmare Before Christmas.”

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Neil Gaiman

Make Good Art

This was the keynote address, given by Neil Gaiman, for the May 17, 2012 commencement ceremony at The University of the Arts. I was first made aware of this speech from Gaiman’s book: The View from the Cheap Seats. I never really expected to find myself giving advice to people graduating from an establishment of higher education.  I never graduated from any such establishment. I never even started at one. I escaped from school as soon as I could, when […]

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Nam June Paik: Waiting for UFO

Storm King Photos

Storm King Art Center is a 500-acre outdoor museum located in New York’s Hudson Valley. It is quite possibly the largest sculpture collection in the United States and to say it’s impressive would be an understatement. The exhibits are interesting and the grounds are beautiful. Unfortunately I was dealing with a fair amount of back pain during my initial visit so I was unable to cover nearly the ground I was hoping to. What I was able to see I […]

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