Retro Shopping Thoughts

Retro Shopping For G.I. Joes

I saw this photo in a retro photography group on Facebook, and it instantly filled me with nostalgia and sweet memories of shopping at the mall. But at the same time, I couldn’t help but feel a little sad; not sad for me, but for my son’s.

I actually feel bad that they never got to experience the sheer euphoria of walking through a toy store in the ’80s. Rows upon rows of toys stacked to the ceiling, the jingles playing overhead, and the pure magic of exploring it all with wide eyes and wild imaginations. It wasn’t just about the toys—it was about the wonder of discovery, the anticipation, and the simple joy of childhood. It’s a piece of culture we’ve lost, and I can’t help but feel that we’re less for it. Shopping online just doesn’t hold the same magic. Some moments can’t be boxed up and delivered.

David Lynch
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