Fandom Fest
Here are a few photos from Fandom Fest August 2024. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Without a doubt, these two were my favorite pair during the cosplay contest....
Count Orlok’s Nightmare Gallery Monster Museum (Photos and Review)
First things first: Count Orlok’s Nightmare Gallery might not appeal to everyone, but for horror cinema enthusiasts, it’s a must-see. While it isn’t the...
Witchside Tavern (Photos and Review)
During a recent vacation to Salam, my lady and I stumbled upon The Witchside Tavern, and it turned out to be a delightful find!...
Table Mercato (Review & Photos)
On our way to the Old North Church, my lady and I stumbled upon Table Mercato, and, being unable to resist anything Italian, she...
Morgan at Thatcher Park
Had some time to shoot Morgan at Thatcher Park. This girl is so much fun to shoot and her photos always come out great,...
Minerva Lake, June 2024
I recently revisited my childhood camp with Chloe and Larry, capturing photos of familiar spots and reflecting on how things have evolved over the...
Senior Portraits With Nate
Nate was cool enough to let me get some portrait experience to compliment his senior pictures. He’s a handsome kid.
Saratoga Comic Con Spring 2024
Had a really fun time walking around Saratoga Comic Con last week. You really have to appreciate those who put so much work into...
Couples Shoot At Renssleaville Falls
Had a great time with Britney and Riley during a couples shoot amidst the backdrop Renssleaville Falls. The brisk weather somewhat expedited our original...
The Adams Family
Caught my nephews in action at Schalmont High School’s rendition of The Addams Family, and they absolutely nailed it! Managed to grab some epic...