Based on a True Story is the hobby site of Paul Hobson. It’s essentially a repository of quotes I’ve copied, photos I’ve taken, and notes I’ve jotted throughout the years. Chances are, if it’s something I fancy and don’t want to forget about, it finds its way here.

About the Domain Name

Once upon a time I maintained a website, very much not unlike this one, that featured my own moniker: It was a glorious site. I wish you could have seen it. Anyway; through life’s various twists and turns my registration of the domain lapsed and I was unable to acquire it again.

The name Dorian Roark is an amalgamation of the names of two of my favorite literary characters. Dorian is taken from Oscar Wilde’s “The Portrait of Dorian Grey”, and Roark belongs to Howard Roark, the protagonist of Ayn Rand’s “The Fountainhead”. I’ve chosen the name as my online alias.

If you haven’t ready either of these epics yet, do yourself the favor.

About the Person

I take pictures and read books.

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