A Most Thoughtful Gift: A Custom Funko-Pop

Birthdays are always special, but this year, my stepdaughter, Morgan, went above and beyond to give me a gift that’s truly one of a kind. She surprised me with a custom-made Funko Pop—and when I say custom, I mean it’s me in miniature form.
The attention to detail is incredible. The Pop has a bag of popcorn in one hand (my all-time favorite snack) and a camera in the other (my favorite hobby). To top it off, it’s decked out in an adventure tee shirt and my signature driving sunglasses. It’s like looking in a tiny, vinyl mirror.
As if the Pop itself wasn’t thoughtful enough, Morgan wrapped it in custom wrapping paper that had my face pasted on a leprechaun’s body. This little touch had me laughing immediately—it’s a running joke we’ve had for years, with her lovingly teasing me about being a leprechaun. She nailed it, as always.
This gift wasn’t just thoughtful; it was personal. It reflected who I am, the things I love, and the sense of humor Morgan and I share. Every time I look at it, I’m reminded not only of her creativity but also of how lucky I am to have her in my life.
It’s not often that a gift can perfectly capture someone’s personality and the bond you share, but this one did. It’s something I’ll cherish forever—both for its uniqueness and for the love that went into making it.
Here’s to Morgan for giving me the most thoughtful gift ever. And yes, my leprechaun pride is stronger than ever now.

My Custom Funko-Pop
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