A.I. Renders, Dipping Toes

I spent a few hours experimenting with Image to View A.I. Renders and I came out with a handful of decent starter videos. Hopefully more to come.
Each render was made with the KlingAI tool, with the standard setting, generating a 6 second video.
Image To Video Renders
Grandparents Acting Up
I figure a good place to start would be with my grandparents. This image was uploaded with the prompt: “Couple leans into each other and hugs.“
Continuing with the familial theme, my wife’s grandparents now share a wedding toast. This image was uploaded with the prompt: “Bride and Groom raise glasses in a toast.“
Dogs at Play
I love this photo of Cass and Larry. Larry was so obsessed with his big brother as a puppy. Watching these two play was always a treat. You can tell by the tails wagging that this was A.I. generated, but I feel the rest of the render is spot on.
This image was uploaded with the prompt: “Two dogs at play.”
My wife painting these pictures of Cass and Indy. I was curious to see what A.I. could do bring them to life. It had a hard time understanding what I was trying to do and it took about half of a dozen attempts to make this work. However; This is probably my favorite one so far.
This photo was uploaded with the prompt: “Two dogs comes to life in their frames. They pant and sniff happily. The camera angle does not change.“
Playing With My Wife
I uploaded on of my more recent shot of my wife in my photo, “Table for One.” I thought it would like neat to have the lights flickering in the abandoned restaurant in an attempt to create a feeling of foreboding.
This image was uploaded with the prompt: “The lights flicker slightly before the darkness takes over the scene. The woman’s face does not change. High Quality.“
OK, I’ll admit it. I was just playing around with this one. I was attempting an “Agatha All Along” witch them in an attempt to invoke the feeling of my wife heading down, down, down the road. Down the witches road.
This was uploaded with the prompt: “Her eyes glow purple with a witches power“.
Text To Video Renders
My experiments with the Text to Video options:
Prompt 1: “Belle, from Beauty and the Beast, preparing for battle in a post apocalyptic, steam punk universe.“
Prompt 2: “Rosie the Riveter walking through a World War Two Trench carrying a Thompson machine gun.“
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