The Truth and the Beauty

Andrew Klavan - The Truth and the Beauty


Notes from 

The Truth and the Beauty


Andrew Klavan


Morality is forged in the fires of centuries


You cannot be free unless you are virtuous, you cannot be virtuous unless you are free. 


Freedom of submission to a higher authority vs. Rule by Power


Because God’s reality is reality, there is no way to escape it. 


Because it is good, there is no way to defy it without evil


Suppose that all your objectives of life were realized, all changes in all institutions could be completed efficiently this instant and all other’s opinions could be changed. Would this be a great joy?


How to succeed in life: Be disciplined. Self Confident. Be Careful in Responsibilities .


A thing of beauty is a joy forever. 


Benjamin Robert Haydon – Christ’s Entry into Jerusalem

Benjamin Robert Haydon | The banishment of Aristides from Athens


Holding a mirror up to man is holding a mirror up to himself, what is truth? 


What is truth, the central problem of all belief? 


Our middling intellect misshapes the beautiful things we murder to dissect. 


I am against all shenanigans, except my own; which are delightful. 


Fantasmagoriana: the German book of ghost stories that inspired Frankenstein

What will the years do if you can manage to keep your eyes open? Give you reasons to become more conservative. Give you the experience to see the wisdom of the old ways.